Supplement Sport – Pot white lid

120,00 Including VAT

Supplement Sport is used in sport horses to recover faster after exercise.



NAS-TROP’s supplement Sport
As we keep horses, they lack important nutrients that are not or too little in “our” feed, such as tanning and bitter substances.
These nutrients are essential for the stomach and intestines. A deficiency of this results in, among other things, a poor intestinal flora, no good absorption of nutrients, intestinal spasm, gas colic That can be felt / seen again on the horse: crooked jumping, knee, back and finally tendon problems at the front!
Supplement Sport is given during strenuous exercise such as heavy training, multi-day competition and Derbies to convert the lactic acid to muscle sugars (Glycogen). Those muscle sugars are converted back into energy!
-supports verry well lactic acid conversion to muscle sugars (glycogen)
-to support the liver
-sulphur supports tendons, muscles and ligaments
-for intensive training or multi-day event
-free of added sugars, colours, odours and flavourings
-Doping free
Complementary feed supplement Sport: sulphur, fennel, fenugreek.
Crude protein content 7.7%, crude fat 12.6%, crude fiber 2.7%, crude ash 11.61%
Contents 360 grams + measuring spoon of 15 grams.
By mesh or wet bran
For heavy training or competition:
1 day before, on the day itself, and 1 day after heavy training or competition, give 2 level measuring spoons
For multi-day competitions:
Supplement Darm(intestine) 2 level scoops per day
Supplement Sport 2 level scoops per day
Start day before departure. During competition days every day give Darm & Sport.